Friday 1 December 2017

A Brief History of Bitcoin - 1/2 -

The domain name is registered online. After 2 months a paper entitled "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System" was passed around a cryptography mailing list. The name linked to the paper is Satoshi Nakamoto, the mysterious creator of Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is processed through a software program that is "mined" by people seeking bitcoin in a lottery-based system. Over the next 20 years the total amount of circulating coins will be of 21 million approximately.
Pioneering merchants started accepting bitcoin as a payment. One of the first transactions operated was the purchase of pizza. Today, the amount of bitcoin used to purchase the pizzas is valued around $100 million.
Because of its inherent anonymous nature, Bitcoin is used for drug trade on the internet black market. In a way, drug trafficking websites legitimised Bitcoin as a means of commerce.
In April, Nakamoto sent Bitcoin developer Mike Hearn this email: "I've moved on to other things. The future of Bitcoin is in good hands." In his wake, Nakamoto left behind a vast collection of writings, a premise on the workings of Bitcoin, and the most influential cryptocurrency ever created.
The Bitcoin Foundation was launched, to promote the global growth of Bitcoin through the promotion of the open source protocol. 
WordPress starts accepting bitcoins.
Robocoin and Bitcoiniacs launch the first bitcoin ATM in Vancouver, Canada, allowing clients to sell or purchase bitcoin currency at a coffee shop. The University of Nicosia (Cyprus) and the Chinese internet giant Baidu allow clients to pay with bitcoins.

Microsoft and Overstock start accepting bitcoins.

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